Having trouble creating new users? This guide will help you troubleshoot common issues and get back on track.
Verify User Input
Errors can occur if the information you're trying to input does not adhere to required formats or violates certain constraints. Check:
- Username and user information is filled out.
- Email Address: If the system requires an email, make sure it’s a valid format and not already in use.
Check User Permissions
Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to create new users. Only users with a “super admin” role can add new users.
Clear Cache and Cookies
In web-based applications, cached data and cookies can sometimes interfere with system processes. Clearing your browser's cache and cookies might resolve the issue.
Try a Different Browser or Device
Occasionally, specific browsers or devices can have compatibility issues with the software. Try using a different browser or accessing the system from a different device.
Contact Support
If all else fails, it's time to reach out for help through this link by filling the form or by sending an email to support@tribal.credit. Document the steps you took, any error messages you received, and other relevant details. They may be aware of the issue and have a solution or can assist you in troubleshooting further.